• 100% FREE Plug-Ins
  • Download - Enjoy - Appreciate!!!
  • Created by request
  • Let me know how you use my Plug-ins
  • Send me patch sets or ideas for future projects

100% FREE

ALL of my existing and future plug-ins are FREE but they take a lot time and effort to create. Donations for appreciation of my plug-ins and the many hours dedicated to creating them are always welcome. Even the price of a coffee to help me work would be great. This website will be updated periodically with new release information. Chris - Samsara Cycle Audio

Thank you for your patience

The site is being upgraded following my project volunteering and travelling around India. It should be easier to find your way around the site when completed. 

Many new projects on the way :)

The request for

Vintage Analog Soviet Synth

has been noted and I have started work on these.

These will be as close to original as possible and include:


ALICA 1387




Please use the button below to donate.

You do not need a PayPal account to make a secure donation